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The serve: How to fix an inconsistent ball toss...

Updated: Mar 9

sarasota tennis lesson

Tennis Sarasota

One of the most common aspects of the serve if not the most important aspect is the ball toss. If you have a poorly located ball toss, you will most likely have a bad serve.

Some basics… the toss should be at a position of between 12:00 & 1:00 so slightly to the right if you’re right handed. It also needs to be high enough so that it’s slightly higher than as high as you can reach with your racquet.. It should be out in front of your body so that if it were to land it would land inside the tennis court.

During a lesson, one of the most common reasons I see for a student having an inconsistent toss is that they do not fully extend upwards with their left hand. They go about 2/3 of the way and then stop and pull down. The left hand should continue all the way up with an arm that is straight and fully extended. The hand should open at the top like a flower blooming. The motion should come from the shoulder with no bend in the elbow. Pretend if you will, like your arm is a 2x4 piece of wood that is connected only to the shoulder joint. There is no bend at the elbow and no movement at the wrist. By extending all the way up, you are guiding the ball straight up for as long as you can. This results in a much more consistent ball toss. Try it! You’ll be glad you did!

If you would like to know more about this topic or how can it be applied to your own game, you can get in contact with me or book a one on one On-court private coaching session, I will be happy to help you achieve your Tennis Goals!

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