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Mental Tennis Strategies and Tips

Updated: Mar 21

tennis lessons sarasota

  1. They say the best tennis players have the shortest memories. This means that when you make a mistake on the court, try to forget about it as quickly as possible and focus on the next point. In tennis, you don't have the luxury do dwell on a negative event because you have to get ready for the next point which will happen in app. 30 seconds whether you're mentally ready or not!

  2. Focus on one point at a time. Don't think about how much you are losing by. Instead realize that if you win a game or two here and there, what once looked like a mountain, will look more like a manageable hill you can climb.

  3. Play to win vs. Playing "Not to lose" Go for your shots. When you play not to lose, you tend to tense up and that's when errors happen. Get rid of the fear and play to win!

If you would like to know more about this topic or how can it be applied to your own game, you can get in contact with me or book a one on one On-court private coaching session, I will be happy to help you achieve your Tennis Goals!

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