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How to Get the Most Out of Your Tennis Lesson

Updated: Mar 22

tennis lesson sarasota, FL

Tips for Tennis Coaches and Students

There are several key elements to a successful tennis lesson..

  • One of the first things I do as a coach when I meet a student for the first time is introduce myself and usually shake their hand while making eye contact. I want the, to feel comfortable right away.

  • Before the lesson begins, I ask them this question... Is there anything in particular today, would like to work on? Anything you want to make sure we get to today? One of the biggest mistakes a coach can make during a lesson is working on something they have no interest in working on thereby failing to address the most immediate concerns of the student. This is one of the more common reasons that a student never returns for a second lesson. Sometimes they will tell you they want to work on a specific stroke but a lot of times they'll say well, maybe you can just take a look at everything. Thats typically the response i get so that is perfectly fine.

  • During the lesson use their first name as much as reasonably possible. This tends to make the person feel more comfortable.

  • Use POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT! While it is the inherit nature of our jobs to point out flaws and offer constructive criticism, I find it is just as important to point out what it is that they are doing right. You can usually find something.

  • As a student, don't be afraid to tell your coach what you want to work on

  • As a student, don't be afraid to stop the instructor and ask questions. If you still don't understand after the instructor explains it, tell him so and ask him to explain again. Part of what makes a great instructor is his or her ability to essentially the same thing in many different ways until something clicks. Here is an article I wrote on how to choose a great tennis instructor/tennis coach

If you would like to know more about this topic or how can it be applied to your own game, you can get in contact with me or book a one on one On-court private coaching session, I will be happy to help you achieve your Tennis Goals!

Tennis Sarasota is a highly acclaimed tennis instruction company in Sarasota, FL, offering private tennis lessons and semi-private tennis lessons taught by John Barbagallo, a certified tennis teaching professional with over 20 years of experience and a 5-star rating on Google. Tennis Sarasota is known for its exceptional teaching methods and personalized approach to tennis coaching.

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